10 Great Ways to Display Birdhouses in Your Garden

Three Dogs in a Garden
(IC: blogger)
Birdsong is one of the great joys of spring gardening. The excitment underscoring all the chitter-chatter is infectious.
One great way to attract nesting birds to your garden is to hang a birdhouse.
One great way to attract nesting birds to your garden is to hang a birdhouse.
Here are some of the creative ways to display birdhouses that I have photographed in a number of local gardens:
1. Display them on an old painted ladder.
2. Paint an old staircase spindle and attach a small birdhouse to the top of it.
3. Use a copper pipe as your pole.
4. It is also a nice idea to display your decorative birdhouses in a village sized grouping.
5. You can put larger birdhouses at the top of a fence post.
6. Group them with other objects if you like a flea market style.
7. Attach them to a tall fence post or arbor.
8. Use a fancy plant hook to hang them on a wall.
9. Or group them on a wall.
10. And of course the most bird friendly idea would be to hang them in a tree.
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Published May 14th, 2014 11:37 AM
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