$3 Front Door Update

We have a very old front door that needs to be replaced. But like many home owners, the desire to make upgrades and our budget doesn't always align. I also very much disliked that anyone at my door could easily peer inside.
I've tried a few things to make the door look better and obscure the view. Below I used cloverleaf aluminum sheet, spray painted it black and taped it to the inside the door. It was an improvement but kept falling off the door.
I thought a metal design in black would be great but probably pricey. Then it occurred to me a floor register might fit. I priced them and really didn't want to spend nearly $50 on 3 registers especially since I wasn't sure it would work. As luck would have it, I found three very abused registers for a dollar each at the Restore.
I figured out how to get the dusty, filthy backs off, then bent them back flat and cleaned them really well.
I spray painted the registers black and spent about 15 minutes figuring out how hang them in the little windows on the door. I didn't want to glue them so that I could easily take them off to clean the windows when needed.
I used nails at the top.
and used upholstery tacks on the bottom and spray painted them black to blend in.
Here's the end product from the outside.
I use a wreath to hide the door further.
Here is what it looks like from the inside.
I had the spray paint and upholstery tacks. Not including paint dry time, I spent an hour and $3 to update my front door.
For total privacy, I cut plastic shelf liner to the size of each window, cut a slit at the top, placed a clear Command hook above the window on the inside and hung the plastic from the hook. The plastic has some rigidity but flexible enough to push inside the window frame. I put them on at night and take them off in the morning.
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Very creative. And awesome that you found the register so cheap! I love your solution. I had a bathroom window that I needed privacy for and used a glue solution called gallery glass that you smear on in whirls and it dries to look like decorative glass. It lets the light in but you can't see thru it. I wonder if that's something that you can put on your glass to avoid having to cover it every night. Either way, the vent covers really dress it up
baby mini blinds would look good , I got some costume made for 7 bucks ea. do u think that would look good
Looks great! Off subject but where did you get the beautiful wreath - looks like roses but in a muted beige-pink tone? Beautiful and I’ve been looking for a year for something like that. Pls share. Thx!