5 Ways to Fix Out-of-Whack Dresser Drawers

Courtney @ All Things New Again
(IC: blogger)
I knew the drawers on this vintage buffet were a little out-of-whack when I bought it, but I was confident I could fix them. I did! And I learned some new tricks along the way.
1. Nix the nails!
2. Get the glue!
3. New runners are easy to make.
4. Remove the back of your piece. Make sure your runners are square in the front AND back.
5. Lube it up!
Get more details on all five tips, check out my BONUS TIP, and see the finished buffet over at my All Things New Again Blog.
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Published March 10th, 2015 5:33 PM
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3 of 9 comments
Patrice Reesie Avery on Feb 03, 2020
I have stains on my dresser top I would like to fix. Please help. Thank you
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I have an antique dresser I brought home and top drawer has no runner it is wobbly I don’t have saws and routers but this needs some work! There are two little nubs of wood inside drawer hole , spaced about where a runner might go , that don’t do much to stabilize it. Any ideas would be helpful
I have a dresser with wooden slides. The small plastic strips that the drawer slid on have worn through. Can I just replace the plastic pieces and where can I get them?