7 Ways to DIY a Pool Noodle

Upcycle common pool noodles into uncommon uses!
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Pool noodles make the best crafting material!
In this post you’ll see a couple of ideas we’ve previously posted, an unoriginal idea (boot storage), but one that we’ve found especially useful since we are now putting our winter boots into storage (yes, we wear boots in Florida!), an idea for using pool noodles to make a floral arrangement, a fun pool noodle footstool, and a squeegee for Steph’s garage floor.
DIY Pool Noodle Furniture
#1 Footstool
- Gather 19 pool noodles into a “circle”
- I built out the pool noodles from the center, but looking at the final bundle it is clear you can glue one row of five together, two rows of four, and two rows of three.
- I used hot glue which does melt the noodles but does a good job keeping them together. Glue dots also work but don’t hold them firmly. As I was gluing the noodles together, I used the double-sided velcro to hold everything in place like a clamp while the hot glue cooled.
- From the picture above follow the noodle pattern to place the rows together. The final shape is more of a hexagon than a circle.
- I trimmed the noodles to length after gluing, but getting a good straight cut was very difficult. Do yourself a favor and keep the noodles even from the get-go!
- Duct tape the entire bundle together.
For your convenience, there are links to the products we use in our projects from Amazon as well as The Home Depot, Wall Control. (Mother Daughter Projects is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and links to Amazon.)
#2 Floral Arranger
- Cut the pool noodles to length. I used a mini food processor cup and a serrated knife to easily and consistently cut the pool noodles to length. I cut four of each color.
- Arrange the noodles as shown in the picture. Use glue dots to glue noodles to each other and the tray's bottom.
- Arrange flowers. I started with a row of green that followed an “s” sort of curve down the entire length. I then filled in with the smaller pink flowers until I was satisfied with the look.
- Green rug yarn was scattered along the edge and a couple of wood ladybug magnets were added.
#3 Pond Light
More Pool Noodle Ideas
#4 Squeegee
Cut a section of pool noodle, and cut an "X" in the center. Use the handle from a broom and "screw" it into the "x".
#5 Boot Support
Cut a section of pool noodle. Use a single noodle for thin boots or fold in half for boots with a wider opening.
#6 Play Time Campfire
- Cut the pool noodles to approximately 10 to 11”. Four is a good number to make.
- Cut the to fit the noodles leaving some overhang on each end.
- Working outside (because of fumes) spray the noodles and the paper with spray glue (follow the instructions on the can for permanent bonding), wrap paper around the noodles, folding and gluing the overhand to the ends.
- Cover the paper with clear vinyl contact paper, optional
- Cover the ends with hot glue and quickly place each onto tan or brown felt, let cool, and trim
- The fire is made with felt, a plastic bowl, and hot glue
- Fuse two pieces of felt together with iron-on fusible webbing. Place the plastic bowl onto the red felt a little off-center. With the hot glue, artistically glue into “flame” shapes. I didn’t have enough orange and yellow to add to the fire so I simply placed them into the center of the red.
- The “stones” are beanbags made with recycled winter/dark clothing.
- The marshmallows are chopsticks and white felt.
Check out our website for more details!
Enjoyed the project?
Suggested materials:
- Pool noodles (Amazon)
- Waterproof tea lights (Amazon)

Frequently asked questions
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What kind of paint do I use on a pool noodle
Love this, so, what is the red stool that you put the pool noodles in to keep them in one place? Thank you.