A Quick Way to Fix a Rip In a Curtain

Jamie Ueda
(IC: homeowner)
A ripped curtain can be a drag. If you can't bring yourself to throw away your favorite curtain, give them a quick fix.
Trim away any loose threads surrounding the rip being careful not to take off more than necessary.
Pat down any remaining threads and loose ends.
Cut a strip of fusible hem tape slightly larger than the rip.
I like to use double-sided fusible hem tape so I can put a piece of fabric behind the curtain to reinforce the patch. Put the fusible tape between the fabric and the bck of the curtain rip.
Smooth down the rip and bring the edges as close together as possible. Gently pat down any threads sticking out. Iron the area, if your fabric is delicate you may want to put a cloth over the area to protect the fabric.
Once the are is cool, trim away the excess fabric on the back
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Published April 15th, 2014 9:41 PM
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2 of 8 comments
Lois Buchanan on Dec 20, 2022
Great idea!
Judy Beaty on Mar 31, 2023
I have some large drapes that has a large damage area that needs to be cut out and replace , I have some material from one that was damaged to replace the area that needs to be replaced.
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how do you keep patch on other side not telegraph through to front, especially when light shines through