Add a "Window" to a Windowless Bathroom...Fast, Easy, Cheap!

We have a tiny, windowless bathroom. It is done in classic black and white - white subway tiles, light gray walls, black and white pattern ceramic tile floor. Sink cabinet and mirror are black.
That's it. Clean and Functional, but a Tad Boring.
Not having a window always bothered me about this room...but it is an interior space, "land-locked", so no window.
Initially, we tried a fun punch of color to the space with a wild wallpaper pattern. Maybe, just maybe, I'd forget about Not Having a Window in the Bathroom...
With the Wallpaper placed on one wall, it was fun and certainly enlivened the space.
See the First Bathroom Transformation with Photowall...
On Hometalk Here.
But the issue of No-Window kept creeping up.
After a year it was time to change it up.
Can We put in a WINDOW...Breathe Light and Air...Sea Air(!) into the Bathroom?
Here's the Secret...a Large-Format Wrapped Canvas Photograph from Shutterfly!
Let's Go!
First, gently remove the wallpaper. Try not to damage the wall.
This paper almost removed itself...came off easily in large sheets.
Next, wipe down the wall with a gentle cleaner to remove any glue.
The wall was clean and the paint was still in pristine condition...I was pleasantly surprised. :)
Add the "Window"...Hello Shutterfly Large-Scale Wrapped Canvas Photo.
We need a Beach!
We had 2 options to choose from:
The beach in Turks and Caicos (left) or the beach at Manasota Key, Florida (right)...
Which would you choose?
We decided on the Turks. The large (36 x 36) canvas covered about half of the bathroom wall.
Also, a tiny space will look more spacious with large-scale art...a win/win for sure.
The beauty of a wrapped canvas is it is lightweight for the size of the piece, and no dangerous glass for the bathroom.
Add picture wire to hang.
Step back and view your New Window View!
Instant Window...
Smell the Sea Air!
Listen to the lapping of the Waves!
An Instant Bathroom 30 Minutes.
Just Add a "Window" to a Windowless Space...
$100. 30 Minutes! Perfect!
Almost Like Magic! Jeanne of Doodle T and Me!
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Lgn23043528 on Mar 12, 2022
Just hang curtains. Maybe a nice valance to cover the top and some tiers to go along the sides. You wouldnt lose any of the picture if you just covered the edges.
Doodle T and Me! on Mar 12, 2022
Hi Lgn: Thanks for your fun suggestions! Jeanne of Doodle T and Me!
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Great bathroom upgrade! 👍🏻