Old Coffee Table Makeover Transformation With Mosaic Glass Tiles

I just love the design of these little Vintage Mid Century coffee tables with their sleek dansette legs and so when I see them in junk shops or jumble sales I just have to rescue them!
It's great fun to up cycle to give a more up to date look using pretty little glass mosaic tiles. MMmm so many designs and gorgeous coloured tiles to choose from.
Firstly I covered the table in plain white photocopy paper using Unibond PVA adhesive to give a good base to stick tiles on so they stay put and also it helps design and colour choice with a plain background.
The tiles I chose to decorate were 10 mm x 10 mm vitreous glass tiles in cool shades of green blue black white and brown colours also I chose some with a delightful gold streak in them to add texture. And some clear see through glass. No need to cut you can place directly onto the table remembering to leave a small gap in between tiles for grout .
I started sticking tiles from the outside rim and followed the natural shape going inwards with various color combinations towards the center. Try keeping the tiles evenly spaced and straight.
When you have finished your design and given it at least an hour to dry securely, it is time to grout. I used Unibond ready mixed tile grout in Black. I apply it with an old credit card as it is flexi and helps get into all the gaps. You may want to use gloves to protect your hands and I prefer to do this part outside as bit messy.
When all the table is grouted and all crevices filled it is time for wiping away excess and cleaning your design. Multi use Wonderwipes by Bestbuild are perfect for the job as they are disposable and come in so handy for loads of craft & DIY jobs.
The table begins to reveal its beauty!
After a little more refined cleaning as some of the tiles may need a bit more clean up. The table is ready to use and looks great in any space.
I am so thrilled with the result!
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Barbara on Aug 02, 2019
I liked the table before. But the tiles make it a great outdoor table.
Susan Goode on Aug 03, 2019
Judith on Aug 04, 2019
That's beautiful ! What a difference ! Not only did it update, it also Upgraded ! Nice job !
Susan Goode on Aug 05, 2019
Thank you for your lovely feedback 😁
Frequently asked questions
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Do you have any idea how to put a lip on a square laminate table I already own? I have tiles but it looks like a lip would be needed.