An Old Copper Jello Mold Gets a New Use in the Backyard!

Jenny @ Refresh Living
(IC: blogger)
4 Materials
15 Minutes
Sometimes I stroll through the thrift store and pick out items that catch my eye, even if I don't exactly know what I'm going to do with it when I buy it. This copper mold was one of those purchases, but once I put my patio umbrella through it to test if it would fit, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it!
Of course, the hole on this pan was large enough to fit my umbrella pole. I've found the holes of most bundt pans are too small to fit an umbrella, but these molds with large holes work great.
I drilled holes in the bottom of the pan for drainage. Succulents love well-drained soil, so since I planned to keep this outside, I knew I needed holes.
I have an entire post on how to best plant succulents, along with the tricks on how to keep them alive for a long, long time. I know I said that succulents love well-drained soil and it's best to use a container with holes, but I've actually figured out a way to plant them in containers without any drainage holes, too. Everything you need to know about planting and caring for succulents is in that post. I'd love for you to come check it out, and let me know if you have other tricks in the comments of the post.
I added a variety of different succulents to the pan,
and placed my umbrella pole through the hole.
They are loving their sunny patio location and I'm loving how cute they look in this copper mold!
If you love upcycled and repurposed projects, I think you'll love some of my other projects. You can check out all my other upcycled projects here.
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Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
Published June 27th, 2017 10:23 PM
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Doesn't copper kill plants?
Awesome idea! What is your suggestion for a glass topped table? Btw..I've spent a boatload on planters for my umbrella/patio table over the years...have always had a glass topped table. I love to put the umbrella planters on my lazy susan!!!
What kind of soil?