3 Quick Bathroom Cleaning Hacks Using Simple Household Items

Today, I'm excited to share with you three bathroom cleaning hacks using vinegar and shaving foam to achieve a sparkly-looking space using simple items you probably already have at home. It’s almost like deep-cleaning the bathroom, but easier. Let's get started with this easy and effective bathroom cleaning tutorial!
Tools and materials
- Kitchen tissue or paper towels
- Dry towels or clean cloths
- White vinegar
- Shaving foam
Bathroom cleaning hacks
1. Shine your chrome faucets
To begin, grab some white vinegar and kitchen tissue or paper towels. Dip the kitchen tissue into the white vinegar until it's soaked.
Wrap the faucet
Now, wrap the vinegar-soaked tissue around your chrome faucets, making sure it's snugly wrapped. This allows the vinegar to work its magic on any grime or water spots that have built up on the faucets.
Unwrap the faucet
Leave the wrapped faucets undisturbed for about 45 minutes. This time allows the vinegar to break down and dissolve the stubborn stains. After the 45 minutes are up, unwrap the tissue and get ready to be amazed! Wipe down the faucets with a clean cloth to reveal their newfound shine and sparkle.
2. Deep clean your showerhead
Next up, let's tackle the showerhead. For this, you'll need vinegar again. Fill a container that's large enough to fit the showerhead with vinegar.
Wrap the showerhead
Gently submerge the showerhead in the vinegar, ensuring it's completely covered by the liquid. Now, be patient and let the showerhead soak in the vinegar for around 30 minutes. During this time, the vinegar will work its magic, effectively breaking down mineral deposits and limescale buildup that might have accumulated over time.
Unwrap the showerhead
However, be careful not to soak the showerhead for more than 30 minutes, as extended soaking might damage some types of showerheads.
3. Remove water stains from glass or mirrors
Are old water stains making your shower glass or mirrors look less than sparkling? Don't worry; we've got a quick solution! Reach for your shaving foam–it works wonders as a moisture repellent and is excellent for combating stubborn water stains. Start by applying a small dab of shaving foam on the water-stained areas. Remember, less is more here!
Now, take a dry towel and gently rub the foam across the stains. Allow the shaving foam to sit on the surface for about 10 minutes. This waiting period gives the foam enough time to work its magic on those pesky water stains.
Wipe it down
After 10 minutes, grab a clean cloth and wipe down the shower glass or mirrors. You'll be thrilled to see the water stains vanish, leaving behind a sparkling, crystal-clear surface.
Bathroom cleaning hacks
And there you have it! With just white vinegar, kitchen tissue, and shaving foam, you can transform your bathroom into a sparkling oasis without the need for any harsh chemicals or expensive cleaning products.
Give these cleaning hacks for the bathroom a try. I'm sure you'll love the results. Your bathroom will be shining bright in no time! Let me know what you think in the comments below.
For more ideas, follow @rohina on Instagram
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Susie Mach on Aug 03, 2023
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