bathroom vanity, extra side storage

Daniela N
by Daniela N
I was inspired by an allen+roth vanity I saw. For our new bathroom addition, I decided to add side storage. this gives more room for "bathroom stuff" and extra counter space. More info at
trim added to medicine cabinet
trim on side storage
vanity from HD and side cabinets are closet shelves
it has a built in look. more specs at
the right side had tobe trimmed to make it fit
Daniela N
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2 of 15 comments
  • Donna Bates Donna Bates on Feb 29, 2024

    You just gave me an idea! Thank you!

  • Andermant Andermant on Sep 25, 2024

    We did something similar when we redid our bathroom. We found inspiration online, added a vanity with side storage, and it made a world of difference. The extra storage was a game-changer for all the little bathroom essentials that usually clutter up the counter. It was a simple solution, but the extra space for products and a bit more counter area really paid off.If you’re thinking about adding more storage or expanding the space, I found some cool ideas from They seemed to really get how to balance storage and style without sacrificing function.
