Before and After Small Garden

by Cinzanno
2 Materials
7 Days

I bought my home end of October and spent 4 months looking at this awful garden through winter. I just couldn't handle looking at it any longer, so I decided I would have to do something about it. I really couldn't afford to get anyone to help me (very tight budget), so I decided I would do it on my own. I am 5'3" tall and a 45 year old woman, so I'm VERY proud of myself for this. I wanted a woodland feel.

End of March beginning of April

Before, During and After

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Want to kill weeds without harsh chemicals? Try this highly reviewed natural weed killer that Amazon reviewers swear by!

In total this has taken me around 5 solid 8 hour days to get it complete, this includes laying down the weed control fabric, spreading out 3 tonne of gravel, lifting and relaying the slabs and building the decked area and raised border (made from old used scaffolding boards)

cost -

- weed control fabric (this was also used for the small front garden area too) 35

- 3 tonne of gravel (this was also used for the small front garden area too) 120

- decked area and raised border (used scaffolding boards) 380

Total cost 535

I made a bird feeding station out of willow tree branches that had been cut down and given to me I stripped the bark off and screwed it all together

completed from above Beginning of April

3 months Later in July (I love it)

this is a picture of the original pond I put in, I wasn't expecting to have any fish just water plants so it is very small (Bermuda 'COVE')

as you can see it is rather small. I went out one day and saw 4 little goldfish... guess what... yes that's right I bought them... so now I need a bigger pond.....

so now I needed a bigger pond... Oh like I hadn't given myself enough work to do.. so I went out and got bigger pond, double the size of the little one I had

The new one (Bermuda 'SANDS') is double the size but it looks a lot bigger to me

you can see the difference in size

I love the new pond and it is a better size for the fish as they will grow to 20cm each

I also got to put a nice waterfall feature over the pond with rocks.

The fish love it too


After 6 years I have made some changes, I have moved the aviary to the back of the house so I can leave my back/kitchen door open and my parrot can fly out into it anytime he wants

I have also put down a piece of astroturf over half the decking to sit on in the summer. I love the colour and how full and Luscious it has become.. and best of all I never have to use a lawn mower icon

It also makes cleaning in the kitchen or washing up more pleasant when I look out the window… I love my little oasis

Suggested materials:
  • Scaffold boards, astroturf, fence paint   (Ebay)
  • Gravel   (My local shop)
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  • Lbmellman Lbmellman on Apr 07, 2018

    What did you use to dig up the grass? Did you need to put weed killer down before laying the fabric? I have a small yard of this size with lots of weeds and a little grass and wanted to do something similar, but with pavers and artificial grass in between, instead of small stones. I, too, will be doing this by myself at age 54, haha!

  • Berda Sigh Berda Sigh on May 09, 2018

    Lovely job! Have you put birds in the aviary? It's a little hard to tell from the pictures.

  • Sally Suyko Twitty Sally Suyko Twitty on Feb 07, 2019

    Question: Is that ton as in 2,000 lb.? And was it dropped into the area or did you have to wheel it back there? How did you do the deck? This was not addressed in your description, only the pond. Thank you. Very nice job.

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