Birthday Balloon Surprise

Tikva Morrow
(IC: employee)
2 Hours
I wanted to surprise my husband for his birthday. We're more shared-experience and sentimental people than gift people, so I wanted an idea that would be fun and meaningful. I saw this idea in a couple places on pinterest and decided to give it a try!
I blew up as many balloons as his age -- which I won't tell ;-) -- and attached a sweet message, joke, or memory to each balloon string.
In the pins of this I've seen online the balloons are filled with helium. I was stumped by that at first, because it was raining quite hard and I couldn't imagine how I would get x-number (told you I wasn't telling!) of balloons back home safely. So...I cheated!
After blowing up the balloons with a pump and tying sparkly ribbon tails to them, I used pale-colored painter's tape to stick the top of each balloon to the ceiling. The delicate tape didn't damage the ceiling paint (which is good, because we rent), and it was impossible to see the tape. I had floating balloons!
Next, I simply stuck each note to a ribbon using small heart stickers. I was a little worried that the weight of the note would pull the balloon down, but they all stayed strong!
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Published November 26th, 2014 8:59 AM
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