Broken Sled Repurposed

So this poor broken sled popped up on line and for $15 I jumped on it quick. Now what to do with it. I have over 100 saved ideas from Hometalk and Pinterest so I looked there for inspiration and found the perfect project. A shelf made from a sled.
The boards on the shelf attach to the back of the sled. The first step was to decide how wide and deep should the shelves be. I decided to make it the same width as the turning handle at the top of the sled. The depth was the tricky part.
The second step was to notch the boards so they would lay flat and fit around the runners. I went ahead and notched and painted each board. I realized the depth of the notches was different for each board so I cut progressively deeper until they fit flat and snug against the sled and runner.
Step three was to slide the boards behind the runners and press them down into place. Surprisingly they fit snug enough that I did not have to attach or glue them in.
Some dark wax on the red and polyurethane on the sled and it is ready to hang or lean in your favorite spot.
We want to help you DIY, so some of the materials in this post are linked to sellers. Just so you know, Hometalk may collect a small share of sales from the links on this page.
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Vicky Corey on Oct 28, 2017
What a great idea! I love this!!
Gary Hardman on Oct 28, 2017
Julie on Nov 23, 2019
I’m going to try and do this with my moms old sled, she will be thrilled. Thanks for the idea!
Gary Hardman on Nov 23, 2019
Thanks. It will be a great keepsake.
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Could you put the notched side of the shelves to the back, in case the notches weren't perfect ?