Bubble Painting

Do you remember when you were a kid and you blew bubbles in your drink until your Mom yelled at you? Welp, here's your chance to relive your childhood! Bubble painting has to be my new favorite technique!
Best terracotta pot!
First thing you'll need it paint. Depending on what you are painting, your medium will vary.
Next, add water to make a milky consistency. Be sure not to add to much or your color will not show up in your bubbles.
Finally, add dish soap. I used regular blue dawn and it did not tint my white paint, however if you are worried you can use clear softsoap.
Give your ingredients a good mix.
I chose to paint on a terra cotta pot. You can use anything you'd like as long as it's not a shiny surface. Unfinished pottery, paper and terra cotta work great!
I made a little stand with a bottle to prop my pot up with so it wasn't sitting in the bubbles.
Now, let the fun begin! Blow your bubbles with a straw and tip the cup down so the bubbles will flow out. Spin the object while blowing so you can cover the whole surface with bubbles.
I used my straw to scrape out all the bubbles and let them pop naturally.
Here is my finished products! I must say, the camera did not do the pot justice but I still love the light marbly look the bubbles gave. My mug also came out so cute, it reminds me of taking a bath! 😋
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Would a darker paint show up better?
What happens if you try this on metallic painted wood?
I’m thinking of trying this with fabric paints for gifts. Maybe make wall art as I’m not sure if the paint would wash out since it’s mixed with soap. Has anyone tried this?