Caps and Bricks Do a Patio Make

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Suggested materials:
- Cement Bricks and Caps (Available at Lowe's, Home Depot, hardware stores)
- Spray paint..gloss or flat (Walmart, Orchard Supply, haradware stores)
- Shovel, trusty hand trowel, rake (On hand)
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Chris aka monkey on Apr 23, 2018
@Lovesunique i think you did a freaking fantastic job and i am so glad i read this, i too am sick of the mud from rain and i do not have the oompa to dig and dig so i am going to just lay them on the grass too just from the driveway to the door and i am going to get more solar lights to help to see, i am 69 and have a multitude of health issues so you doing this has inspired me to go to work thanks xx
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Lovesunique on Apr 23, 2018
Hi Monkey! Maybe you can kill the grass area first with spray and then put down your path? I was just out sweeping up my paths and even though I did get some mud seepage around where the stones come together I am still glad to have the paths to walk on. The one path I made to the door we use the most I appreciate every time we unload groceries!! Glad I inspired you--go for it. By the way I am soon to be 70!!
Chris aka monkey on Apr 24, 2018
and i am 69 lol
Patricia Chambers on Jun 09, 2020
I am wanting to make a path to my front door from where I park my car and reading your post has not only inspired me to go purchase the blocks that I need but later after making the pathway make a patio area. It maybe a little hard but even as we age we have to show we can do it.
Lovesunique on Jun 09, 2020
Glad you got some ideas. You can do it, just take your time and work in the coolest hours of the day. I wish I had been more careful with leveling and use of sand underneath because I am getting a lot of dirt coming up between my bricks. BUT, it is still better than walking on dirt and or muddy paths!!!
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