Charcoal Grill Fire Pit

My son’s and his wife have a sweet rental home. They can make small changes and are very creative.
We helped them this weekend, July 4 th putting this together for our s’mores tonight.
His weber grill that he tried to sell but no one wanted and he decided to turn it into a fire pit.
Weber grill that was fine but the base was rusted and my son didn’t want to trash it so he decided to turn it into a fire pit.
Mark our your spot. We used 12 curved landscaping pavers. The diameter of the grill is 22 1/2”. To level it we first tried to dig out grass. As you will see it didn’t work well.
We dug the grass out to have a leveled, dirt area to start fresh with. This was much easier and faster.
Placing the grill base into the dirt to see how it will fit. With the rounded bottom, we had to take it out and dig a concave spot for the base of the grill to sit into and not rock back and forth.
Using the shovel and getting the edges better positioned was the next step.
Using our hands to place a bit more dirt under the one paved area worked to get it perfectly level.
This does need patience but is worth it. Getting it level the first time is easier than doing to later.
We had stone left over from another project and it added a sturdier leveling base and heat protector/barrier from the paver stones.
Security of the stones gives this a much needed safety feature. Keeping the middle dig out to sit in is key.
We poured the rest of the stones down the sides of the brick pavers and grill base.
And here you go a basically free fire pit.
If my son had asked if I had these pavers, it could have been a totally free project.
This was a good family project with combined materials on thsibvery hot, 4 th of July day!
Bring on the s’mores!
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Angelina Saenz on May 30, 2021
My som and I did almost the same but with bricks.
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Can you burn wood in this instead of charcoal
is that kind of brick fireproof so that the heat won't crumble them?
Does your pit allow for enough air movement through the vent openings on the bottom of the Web kettle?