Color Jars With Glue & Food Coloring

(IC: homeowner)
8 Materials
80 Minutes
Love the colored glass jars? Here is an easy and cheap way to do it with Elmer's glue and food coloring. No need to buy Mod Podge when you can make it yourself.
You will need a clean glass jar, food coloring, an empty container to mix in, some thing to stir with, a tablespoon, a small container for warm water, glue, a paper plate, and a foil lined baking sheet. If you want to add the decorations then you will also need sand, shells, twine, and scissors.
Mix 4 tablespoons of glue and 2 tablespoons of warm water. Add the color of your choice to the glue and mix well.
Far a deeper color, add more food coloring and mix. Do this until you have your desired color.
Pour the glue mix in to your jar and slowly work the mix all around the inside of the jar. Be sure to get it around the inside top rim of your jar.
Once you have it covered then pour the mix back in to the container . Hold the jar over the container until it stops dripping, or at least until it is dripping slowly.
Place your jars upside down on a paper plate to finish draining. This only takes about 5 minutes.
After draining on the plate, place your jar right side up on your baking sheet and let it set another 5 minutes so the remaining mix will settle to the bottom. These steps will give you a more even, less streaked look.
Place your baking sheet with jars in the oven at 200 F for 1 hour.
After one hour, remove baking sheet and let your jars cool. They will be hot so be careful and let them cool completely before touching.
That is it. Take your jars and decorate them how ever you want to!
I used shells and twine. Inside I put sand, small shells, broken shells, and a candle.
The shells keep the wax from reaching the side of my jar and help hold the candles in place.
Hope you give it a try! This is a fun project and I have plans for the rest of the unused fire place.
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Suggested materials:
- Glass jars (recycled food jars)
- Elmer's Glue (Wal Mart)
- Food Coloring (HEB)
- Foil (HEB)
- Oven
- Shells (Picked up at the beach)
- Twine (HEB)
- Candles (Thrift store)
Published November 1st, 2017 11:22 AM
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2 of 27 comments
Brenda Mitchell At Sipayik on Nov 30, 2017
So pretty. and easy to do. thanks for sharing.
Mukoh SioBiik on Apr 17, 2018
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Very creative they are beautiful one question how does the glass take so much heat?
My cousin tells me that the glass will turn brown in time with this technique. Is this true?
This is the one I was looking for. Many thanks!