Concrete and Resin Clock

Please check out my latest YouTube video for the step by step tutorial on how I created this concrete and resin clock.
I love making things from scratch and I absolutely love that this entire clock has been created by my own 2 hands. If you get this same satisfaction from a project then I encourage you to have a go at creating yours with my very own ‘how-to’.
This project does take time and patience to achieve the best results but I guarantee you that it’s worth it in the end.
What you’ll need:
- A round silicone mold (I used a 9” mold)
- Rubber gloves
- Concrete
- Something non-stick to block the center of your mold that is wide enough to fit your clock mechanism (I used an old thread reel)
- A mixing container and mixing tool for your concrete
- Masking tape
- PVA glue
- Resin - I’m using Clearcast 7000 from The Epoxy Resin Store. For 20% off any purchase, use my code HANNAH20
- Plastic measuring jug and mixing tool
- Blow torch
- Craft knife
- Varnish
- Paint brushes
- Clock mechanism kit
- Paint
First, put your rubber gloves on!
Now glue your blocker to the center of your silicone mold and hold in place until it drys. This is why it’s best to choose PVA glue so you don’t damage your mold and so that it’s easy to remove later.
I mixed up my concrete using a rough 4 part concrete to 1 part water ratio. If you choose to use Cementall Rapid Set too, then work fast as it only has about a 15 minute work time.
I do strongly advise using this brand though as it’s amazing for small, slim and delicate projects as it holds together brilliantly. It also sets extremely fast!
I used approx 2.5 cups of concrete for this project.
Pour the mix into your mold avoiding the center blocker. Scrape all the edges and bottom of your mixing container to make sure you get as much of the mix into your mold as possible.
Spread the mix around your mold by prodding around the base with your mixing tool, this will also break up any little lumps left over after mixing.
Then to get rid of the uneven surface, give the mold a gentle but rapid shake from side to side.
Set the mix aside to dry for about 2 hours.
Once your mix is fully dry, gently twist your center blocker and pull it out.
Then remove your concrete from the silicone mold.
You now have your clock face on which to decorate.
You can decorate your clock face however you like. You can even lay items in the concrete whilst it’s setting to create an indent and leave the face unpainted, or paint the face one solid colour, it’s completely up to your personal taste, decor needs, giftee's wants.
If you would like to do an acrylic pour on your clock face like I have, skip on over to my YouTube channel using my blog post link at the bottom of this post and take a look at my ‘Flip-Cup Acrylic Pour Tutorial’.
The colours I have used for this particular pour are Bright Magenta, Tropic Orange and Barn Red by Apple Barrel and Rose Gold by Folk Art.
Please note that you will need to add a small bit of masking tape over the hole in the middle whilst you do your pour and remove it at the end before the paint starts to dry.
Allow your paint to dry fully before continuing to the next step.
For your Clearcast 7000 resin, mix an exact 1:1 ratio of resin (A) with your hardener (B). You will be provided with both parts in your purchase. Use my link in the materials list above for 20% off any purchase with The Epoxy Resin Store.
First add in PART B to your plastic mixing jug. Then add in PART A. Always do it this way round.
For a clock face this big, you shouldn’t need more than a half cup of fully mixed resin. So, for example, measure out:
PART B = up to the 1/4 cup line in the plastic measuring jug
PART A = up to the 1/2 cup line in the plastic measuring jug as this already contains 1/4 cup of PART B
Then mix thoroughly for about 5 minutes scraping the sides and the bottom of the mixing jug regularly. If you do not mix the resin well enough, it will not cure properly. That’s why I bought a silicone spatula as it’s so easy to scrape every corner.
I’ve never had any problems with my resin not curing when following the above advice.
Stand your clock on something like an empty plastic cup over some non-stick sheeting to protect your work surface from drips.
Pour your resin out evenly around your clock face avoiding the middle hole so as not to waste any.
Then spread the resin around covering the entire face using your spatula or mixing tool.
Once the face is covered, do the same for the edges.
Then give the whole thing a quick blast with your blow torch to get rid of any bubbles.
I allow my resin to cure for at least 12 hours to make sure that it’s good and solid so I usually do this by leaving it overnight.
Once your resin has cured, it’s now time to neaten up the back of your clock.
First, you want to get rid of any hard drips of resin that may have formed. How I do this is by heating them up for a short time with my blow torch and then carefully scraping them off with my craft knife.
I then paint the back in a couple of coats of paint from one of the colours I used for my acrylic pour to tie all the colours in nicely.
I then apply a coat of varnish to protect walls and surfaces from this paint.
If you didn’t paint your clock face or if the clock is just for you then I would advise leaving the back as it is as no one else is going to see it. This will save you a little bit of time and effort.
All that’s left to do then is assemble your clock mechanism. Follow the instructions on the pack of the particular product you buy.
I would advise buying one with a built in wall hook as this will save you having to build a hook into your concrete base. Also make sure that the mechanism that you buy has a long enough spindle for the thickness of your clock.
Et voila! A gorgeous shiny, professional looking wall clock.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and as I’ve mentioned above, my full video tutorial is up now on my YouTube channel. Take a look using the link at the top and give it a . Please also subscribe and add any comments and I will happily get back to you.
Please also check out my instagram - @hannah_somerville88
Thanks so much for watching/reading.
Happy crafting!
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Jodie White on Jan 20, 2020
I do acrylic pour but never even thought to do something like this; i love it!
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