Cozy Coupe Transformation

Cozy Coupe play cars are among the most popular outdoor toys known to man. If you’re craving a unique looking, fun and functional play car (or any plastic toy) then enjoy following this tutorial!
Start with a Philips screwdriver and remove the back piece. There are two screws you will be removing. Work to remove the rest of the car pieces by just pulling them. I would suggest leaving all the wheels on as putting them back on was quite difficult!
With a wet rag, scrub down your car. This will help the paint stick, so scrub well!
Start painting! I suggest holding your spray paint about 12 inches away from the car while spraying. Use cardboard to protect parts you don’t want painted. This is how I protected the wheels. It’s OK if some paint gets on the wheels. After kids play with the car that will naturally fall off. You will want to spray everything lightly then wait an hour and spray again. I did three coats of paint.
Use a sponge brush to fix any drips and also to paint any fine details. I wanted my horn a different color than the rest of the steering wheel so I first painted the entire steering wheel gold and then went back and sponge painted the horn teal. I had to do four coats of sponge paint on the horn.
Put it all back together! Other than the two screws to attach to back roof, everything just pushes back in.
I finished the paint off with a top coat. This should help keep the paint nice and fresh.
I added some gold stickers to my car to complete the look. I got a gazillion of them from Amazon so if I need to touch them I will always be able to. My stickers stuck very well BUT I suggest not sticking them to your car until the paint has sat for an entire 24 hours. After this, you can add another coat of the clear paint- optional!
Now your kids are ready to ride in style!
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GeorgiaBulldogsFan on Aug 16, 2020
What a precious makeover! GREAT JOB!
Delores on Oct 20, 2020
What a neat idea my two younger sons had one of those I bought at a yard sale my brother decorated theirs with decals from racing stuff anything that a machanic/ racer single guy would have on hand the boys loved those stickers hed add more occasionally but I never thought ofpaing the car love the ide.
Amanda | the flourishingfarmhouse on Oct 20, 2020
I bet that was adorable!!
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