Create a Fresh Floral Table Centerpiece Using Chicken Wire

Learn how to create a fresh floral table runner and centerpiece with an eco-friendly tool, chicken wire.
I had a blog challenge to create a flower arrangement using sunflowers. I decided to create floral runner to sit low enough on the table as to not block anyone’s view. To create this runner I used my favorite flower arranging tool, chicken wire.
Chicken wire is an eco-friendly alternative to wet floral foam as it can be reused.
You can find chicken wire in small rolls at the craft store and larger rolls at the garden center.
I prefer painted or coated chicken wire as it’s rust resistant after repeated uses, but galvanized chicken wire will work just the same to support the flowers in your arrangement.
For the base for my table runner, I used plastic storage containers sold in packs of two at Dollar Tree.
Cut your chicken wire a little longer and wider than your container using pliers,
bending the wire to fit inside the containers.
To keep the wire from from popping out of the containers and to support the weight of the sunflowers,
I used some waterproof floral tape to secure it to the container.
After the chicken wire is in place and secure, arrange the containers down the center of your table, placed end-to-end (no need to attach to one another). Fill your containers with water and floral preservative and you’re ready to create your blooming runner and centerpiece for the table!
Note: If using a shallow container you’ll want to check your water level daily and top it off as needed.
I started with some greenery I cut from the shrubs.
- To use foliage from the garden in an arrangement, cut your greenery in the morning when it’s fully hydrated and not stressed from the heat.
- Cut your flowers and your greenery at a 45 degree angle for maximum water uptake and remove any leaves below the water line. Condition your greenery by placing it in a bucket of water mixed with water and floral preservative and allow it soak for several hours, or preferably, overnight.
If you don’t have any floral preservative, you can make your own with this easy formula.
I began by placing the large sunflowers in first. I used a combination of sunflowers with yellow centers and brown centers.
In addition to sunflowers and assorted garden foliage,
I used Hare’s Ear (Bupleurum), Goldenrod, Alstroemeria,
and seed pods from the Chaste Tree to add some interest and texture.
Fill in any holes in your arrangement with additional foliage after adding your flowers so the chicken wire and edges of the containers are concealed.
More Charming Wire Crafts
Here is the completed arrangement and centerpiece for the table.
Visit the original blog post HERE to find:
- More photos and table sources.
- Flower arrangement longevity tips.
- Additional floral and table inspiration from my blogging friends.
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Linda Wells on Sep 07, 2021
Love this and I’m going to copy it. Many thanks.
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Great tutorial, but I am totally distracted by the cute gingam and bee print tablecloth!
Can you share the resource for that?
By Chaste Tree do you mean Vitex? I ask because my Vitex doesn't make seed pods!
That is the cutest tablecloth - I LOVE it!
Beautiful results!