How to Make an Easy Mini Aquatic Plants Pond With an Old Metal Washtub

I had a problem with my koi carp fish always gobbling up any aquatic plants I tried to grow in my pond, so I decided to create a separate mini pond in the corner using an old galvanised wash tub that they couldn’t destroy!
For this project you'll need:
- galvanised tub
- bricks
- plant baskets
- pond plant liners
- aquatic soil
- pond plants
- stone pebblesscissors
- water
Firstly I placed some old bricks inside to raise the level of the plant baskets slightly higher so the stems would reach out the top of water enough to grow well.
I begin lining the inside of the ‘specially designed for ponds’ plastic plant baskets with perforations. I used pond plant liners.
It is okay to overhang the lining as it can be cut off after potted.
Next I filled the basket with special aquatic compost that is suitable for pond plants.
I chose a range of aquatic plants and different sized baskets to give a variety of interest. I placed plants carefully in the soil.
On top of the soil I sprinkled layer of aquatic pebble stones. I spread these evenly and pressed down to prevent the soil from coming out into the water and making it muddy.
I filled more baskets with different plants and repeated process.
Then I began cutting around the excess lining overhang of the baskets to neaten edges.
I used variety of shades of green and soon to be colourful flowering and plants in an arrangement that fits and will create an lovely plant pond and haven for birds to bathe too!
I decided the placement of the pots in the tub on top of the bricks. I arranged them in a way that allows growth and space and also varied heights.
Then I topped it up with the water hose to bring the level up.
I am loving this gorgeous old water tub pond and can’t wait till it grows and bursts with flowers!
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Pam Goins on Jan 19, 2021
You will need to filter the water-mosquitoes will carry you off!
- See 2 previous
Susan Goode on Jan 19, 2021
I don't have a filter and don’t get any mosquitos but in some countries the case may be different
Susan Goode on Feb 14, 2021
yes im on the look out !
Gabrielle Falk on Apr 04, 2021
What about adding to the top of the plants, some 'micro' decorations - ie like the ones you see on bonsai plants - little bridges, little men fishing etc.. Definitely a small filter (solar powered) or a solar powered spray that floats (or not); just enough to discourage 'mossies'. Of which we have heaps in summer (Sydney, Australia) if it has been a humid summer (which this last summer 20-2021 was). Great job. Congrats.
Susan Goode on Apr 04, 2021
Now that’s a great idea I can feel New version coming soon!
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Do you use a pump to keep the water flowing and ariated?
What do you do during the winter?
How do you manage mosquitos? That standing water is a haven for their larvae!