Decorative Rain Chain

Rain chains are so lovely to have hanging outside and today I want to show you how to create one with just a few things you probably have at home.
We are going to start this craft off with decorative metal shower rings.
You will also need paperclips.
Grab some wooden beads.
A pair of pliers will also come in handy.
To start creating the rain chain, link all of the shower curtain rings together.
Next, take a paperclip and center it on a ring. This will be for the longest piece that will be at the bottom when you are done.
Bend the end of the paper clip out.
Choose some beads and add them to the paper clip. Whatever you think will look best.
Once the beads are in place, grab your pliers and starting at the end of the clip, twist the metal to create a swirl.
Take the large piece off and grab another paper clip.
Center the paper clip and bend out the end.
Cut the clip slightly so it is not so long.
Take the inner portion of the clip and bend it down and inwards. Make sure the clip stays in place. If it looks like it will slip out use the pliers to press the clip into place.
Place one small bead and one large bead onto the paper clip.
Twist the end into a swirl, starting out at the end and moving inwards. Repeat this for every ring, minus the bottom one.
Place the long clip that you made at the beginning on the bottom ring and center it on the ring.
Get all of the shower rings lined up in the right position. This will make it a lot easier when you bring your rain chain outside.
Hang up your rain chain outside.
When it rains, your chain will look a little something like this.
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Kathryn Tate on Feb 05, 2024
Awesome idea, and fantastic execution.
We will be copying, many of your methods used. We thank, you for your insight, and sharing. Blessings~
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will these materials rust?
Definitely definitely cute and maybe since it’s so cool you can add in a painted tin can will also help if it’s nasty windy keeping the water going down? I know they for sure rust, so I will either get the plastic ones and see if they would be strong enough or if not, paint these and add a can or two. Gets very windy here in Florida every time it rains. This is a very very cool idea. Thank you for sharing.
Absolutely love this idea!