Dented Refrigerator Fix!

Debbie Westgate- Guyot-Sliwa
(IC: homeowner)
After getting another dent I was ready to scream!
We inherited this 15 year old Fridge from our last house when the the buyer for our house wanted the Black newer Fridge! Anyway it had some dents and acquired a new larger one when our "new" old house kitchen was being remodeled, darn, so I picked up the glass stick-on birds at Walmart and liked them, so added 4 more sets! At less than $5 a set they hide all the ugly dents, and since we put all new plumbing into this fridge we wanted to keep it!
Here's a close up of the glass leaves, branches and birds! My friends all say it's one of the prettiest refrigerators they've seen!
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Published September 24th, 2015 4:58 PM
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2 of 5 comments
Debbie Westgate- Guyot-Sliwa on Apr 08, 2020
Walmart still carries them in the paint section! If you can't find them buy online at Walmart! Yes they stick on and last forever unless you want to take them off, but they break when you take them off! They cost less than $5 per package, I think I used 3 or 4 packages here! I've put these on all fridges with or without dents we like the bling it gives the fridge!
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Is that glass stick on birds still available?
how will you stick on the refrigerator?
can you please tell me where they are available?
thank you so much
It looks so beautiful.