Designer Sliding Mirror Bedroom Closet Doors

I have been replacing some of my hollow core doors for a more up scale look. I didn’t think I could get a sliding barn door here because of space constraints, until I thought of using 2 doors opening from center out.
Finished project with doors closed Not only stylish it also gives me a full length mirror
Finished project with doors open
Closet door before. Not horrible. Just Blah
Closet door open. Takes up the corner space where I will be placing a tall plant
I ordered hollow core doors 16 x 84 I stayed with the hollow core door because they aren’t nearly as heavy as solid core, being a single lady sometimes I just don’t have the strength. If you have seen my other posts I have made my own flat doors out of MDF. The cathedral door I made was extremely heavy. Needed two neighbors to lift. 16x84 is a special order size but I wanted to keep the door trim and I wanted the door height to clear the trim. Would have been a lot less expensive If I used 16x81. But for me it’s not always about the cheapest. It’s about getting the look I want for the least amount of money
16 x 84 hollow core doors
Started laying out the design that I wanted on my floor.
I placed small screws below where I wanted my mirror to sit. The screws are set at just the height or thickness of the mirror. So the mirror just rests on the screws.
I glued and nailed my trim around the mirror.
I waited a couple of hours to make sure that the glue was dry because the glue will have The strength to hold mirror in place. Place the wood trim frames on the bottom half. I used primed 2 x 1 for a more finished look On the sides of the doors.
Installed the hardware . Because I wanted to keep the trim around the door I added a few extra washers to the screws that mounts the rail so door wolid clear the trim.
And I’m finished with one more door.
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Sharon L Rabideau on Jul 27, 2021
Wow! That is beautiful!
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what type of glue do you use to glue wood around mirror to wood door. also what type of wood did you use to frame the mirror? is it recessed to hold the mirror in a grove ?
Where did the outlet go? Did you move it?
I noticed a light switch and outlet in the first picture, someone else question about them also, and in the last picture both the switch and outlet are gone....????