Diy Barn Door

I’ve always wanted to learn how to build a barn door. Our house is more traditional, but I was determined to make it work!
This is the area the door will hang. The door won’t cover the entire area, but it also serves as an art piece!
Once I measured the height and width that I wanted the planks to be, I went to Home Depot to pick them out. These were the widest ones I could find. Two were just perfect, any more would have been too wide.
I just wanted a simple design, not your typical barn door style, more like a modern twist if you like!
The hardware I chose was 6’ wide, the perfect size for this area. I found it on Amazon for only $35. When it arrived one part of it was a different color, but I decided to spray it black instead of waiting to return and receive another one!
My husband attached the hardware, then measured where it would go on the wall.
Here, he’s adjusting the hardware
Now that it’s up I’m and happy with the height, it’s ready to be stained and whitewashed.
I used miniwax early American stain on both planks.
- I wanted to achieve a reclaimed wood look so I mixed one part water and one part latex white paint to make a wash. Using a cloth, I rubbed each plank a little section at a time, then blended in with a dry cloth. I love the outcome. My husband measured and added a plank on the top and bottom of the planks to keep them together. I stained and whitewashed the other side too as you can see it from the dining room.
It came out exactly how I imagined it would. I absolutely love it!
Here is the back side of the door. Wood planks were measured and added to keep it together.
Thanks for stopping by! I hope this has inspired you to create one of your own.
Ive recently updated my door and loving it even more! Not for everyone, but this just serves as a design element, not a functional door. It does roll, but again, design aesthetic only. I simply painted it and sanded it to achieve this look.
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Lori kessell on Oct 15, 2024
Here they are. My husband did them and the 1st was so beautiful I had him make another one. Thank you for the inspiration and info. It’s because of your willingness to share that I decided to get them done!
Deb55097247 on Nov 12, 2024
These are absolutely wonderful!! Great directions! I think these are just excellent!! I will have to try them! Thank you!💗
Frequently asked questions
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I have really been looking for something like this to make for a long time, love it.
Was your planks 1 x 10 ? thanks
Do you need to move the door every time you want to use the light switches? Seem inconvenient.