DIY Cushion

Learn how to make a gorgeous throw pillow from leggings
For this quick and snuggly DIY cushion project you'll need two pairs of leggings.
First, you want to flip your leggings inside out.
Next, you want to stitch the ends of the legs closed. You can use your sewing machine to do this, or you can simply glue them closed as well. I prefer to use just a quick and easy running stitch with a backstitch. This is more than enough to hold the openings closed.
Once you have both of the legs stitched up, then it's time to flip the leggings right side out.
Next, it is time to stuff both legs. Make sure that they are firmly stuffed but on the soft side.
Here is my quick tip for affordable stuffing; get pillows from discount stores and dollar stores. They are, of course, stuffed with stuffing that is very similar to the type that you can get at craft stores, except it is much cheaper.
Once you have the legs stuffed down into the ends on both sides, then you can decide how you want to deal with that waistband area. You can either simply fold that waistband over and stitch it or stitch it in place. Or you can, of course, trim it off and then fold in the raw edges and stitch it in place. You want to have one long tube of fabric when you are done with the waist.
I opted to trim off the waistband and then tucked in the edges and sewed it closed.
Next, grab another pair of leggings and flip them inside out and repeat the whole process.
Once you have both of your legging tubes completed, you want to lay them together in an X formation.
You want to join them together into a knot so first, you want to grab the bottom leg on the right side and cross it over the upper tube.
Next, you are going to grab the other bottom leg on the left side and cross it over.
Then grab the bottom left leg and cross it over the pile.
Finally, grab the bottom right leg and cross it over the pile while tucking it into a loop you formed and give each of the legs a good pull to make sure they are very secure and tight.
Once you're happy that your knots are all nice and secure, then flip the pillow over.
To finish off your DIY knot cushion, grab each one of the remaining free legs, twist it around, and then stitch it into place on the back. It is so cool and so lovely and soft and knotted when you are done.
Now it's time to give your DIY cushion pride of place. Once you're happy with your knot cushion, then simply pop it in your favorite seat and snuggle up with it.
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Dl.5660408 on Mar 29, 2023
How creative!
Gig69451122 on Jun 09, 2024
The idea/woven two-toned shape, 👍However, it loses it's presence. With so many patterns/mismatched colors around it? It's like, "Where's Waldo?" It would show up so much better, on a solid or similar patterned background. If we're unsure about something? It's time to listen to the gut.
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