DIY Dollar Store Side Table

I made this fun and easy nautical DIY Dollar Store Side Table using some simple items from the Dollar Store, a few items I already had (and a few from Michaels). Here is how I made it.
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Spray Paint
First, I sprayed painted the trash barrels and charger plates a glossy white. I bought 2 chargers, but only ended up using 1. Apparently these trash barrels come in white already, but they didn’t have them at the 2 Dollar Tree stores I visited in my area.
Attach the Barrels
Once the paint was dry, I attached the 2 barrels together. At first, I tried gluing them. That wasn’t working great and I was worried the glue wouldn’t hold up, so I ended up zip-tying them together to make sure they were secure. I used only 2 zip-ties, 1 opposite the other. This did the trick.
Embellish the top (optional)
This step is optional. You can leave the top as is, if you’d like.
I was going to stencil the top using this Compass Rose stencil I found on Amazon (and have used in many projects, like this tray). However, the stencil was a little to big for the plate. Instead I used this nautical map wrapping paper. I simply cut a circle to fit inside the charger plate and used some Mod Podge to adhere it to the top.
Add some rope
Once the Mod Podge dried I used some E6000 to add some rope around the edge to hid the imperfections. I also added some rope to the middle of the table (to hid the zip ties), and one strand around the bottom.
NOTE-I usually purchase my rope at Dollar Tree, but both stores in my area were out of it. I was able to purchase very similar rope at Michaels (which I actually liked better, but cost a bit more)>
Glue Charger to the top...
I added some shells to the top trash barrel and then used the E6000 to glue the charger plate to the top of the table.
Finishing I was working with the barrels some of the spray paint chipped off, so I did have to touch up the paint a bit. Luckily I had some regular white paint in the garage and used that to touch up any chips.
Overall, I am happy with how it came out and it didn't cost very much to make. This was pretty easy to make and looks pretty cute too.
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Rso88335307 on Sep 04, 2023
see pics below it kept cutting off.
I loved your project !!!
N. G. Londonderry on May 29, 2024
AND ….when you use this cute table outside any breeze will pass through the mesh making it less liable to blow over .
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
I live in Australia, what is a "charger plate" please? Could any flat surface be used instead?
What size rope did you use? It comes in anywhere from 1/4" to 1".
WHERE Can i find paint for ceramic tiles. i don't want to break them