DIY Dollar Tree Double Tier Tray

Yep!!! I did it! I made a popular home decor piece. If you would scan Instagram or Pinterest you will see many photos of tier trays. If you have ever shopped for one of these you know they are pricey. I have one that I purchased and I still want another one. So I took one day and made a double tier tray by using mostly Dollar Tree items with a few things that I had on hand.
A lot of people have tutorials making their trays out of candle holders, pizza pans, toilet plunger, pie pans and picture frames. It is neat to see all the different styles.
I didn’t want to use the same old candle holders from the Dollar Tree so I walked around the store looking for an object that I could use instead. I found a wooden rolling pin and thought, that’s it.
Today I will share with you how I made a double tier tray in hopes you might want to save a few bucks and make one of these popular items for yourself.
You know I always find something I like and use it for my inspirational piece. This piece is from Willow Tree Farms and runs $52.00.
Here are the items I will be using.
- Cake pan (Dollar Tree)
- Pie pan (Dollar Tree)
- Rolling pin (Dollar Tree)
- 1 wire shower curtain ring (I had on hand, you can purchase at Wal-mart)
- 4 large wooden beads (I had on hand)
- Power grip glue (I had this on hand, you can purchase at Lowe’s)
- chalk paint
- drill
- saw
- sandpaper block (Dollar Tree)
Let’s get started!
First thing I did was I figured out the distance I wanted between the two trays. I am going with 8 inches between my two trays.
- I took the rolling pin out of the package
- I marked the measurements
- My husband cut the rolling pin for me
Using the sand block I sanded the cut ends smooth.
Making sure that they are level so when they stand they are standing straight and not leaning.
Now I took the shorter part of the rolling pin and marked 1/4 inch on each side at the top.
My husband drilled the marks. Not all the way through just about 1/4 inch deep on both sides. He used a drill bit a little smaller than the shower ring diameter.
I took the power grip and add a little dab to each hole.
The power grip glue bonds within 10 minutes and is water proof. I wanted to make sure this tier tray stays together and secure.
- I opened the shower ring
- I pushed the ends of the ring into the drilled holes. It was a little tight but they should go in fine. The glue will secure the ring.
Putting the top to the side for now.
Turned the pie pan over.
Putting the top to the side for now.
Turned the pie pan over.
Let that sit for 10 minutes before turning it over.
I took the long piece of rolling pin and put some power grip glue to the cut part.
Note to self: If making this tray again I would turn the rolling pin around and glue the uncut part to the bottom tray. Placing the two cut ends glued to the top tray. I will show you why I made a note to myself below.
Place it in the center of the pie pan.
Clean the excess glue as much as possible. Remember it will dry clear.
Place some glue to the top of the long rolling pin portion.
Take the cake pan, center it on the glue portion base.
Place some power grip glue to the center of the cake pan.
Take the short cut rolling pin and place it on the glue.
*If I would have turned around the rolling pin and glued it the other way it would have looked like the rolling pin was not cut.
I am going to let this dry for 24 hours before I paint it.
Now that it has time to set I am going to spray paint The shower ring bronze. I didn’t tape it off since I will be painting everything.
I am painting the whole tray with brown chalk paint. Painting it two coats letting it dry between coats.
After the 2 coats of brown paint I painted the tray the same way I painted the candlestick that I shared with you last week. Except I changed the brown as the base and I didn’t use the silver metallic paint. If you hadn’t seen that post you can go HERE to see how I painted a faux wood look.
I did not want the hinge part of the shower ring to show. I took some twine (from the Dollar Tree) and wrapped it around several times.
I am going to add some detail to the outer part of the trays.
- I had some furniture brads left over from my chair project.
- I bent the nail part of the brads to make the back part flat.
- I used E6000 to glue them onto the tray.
I used 4 to each tray. I glued them the same distance as the wooden bead legs.
I sealed it with Minwax paste finishing wax.
More DIY Pizza Pan Ideas
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Geri huntsinger on Jul 11, 2023
Just saw it...very ingenious...I'm just starting DIY..I made a 3 tier..painted all white chalk paint...I think I used plain candle sticks but I wrapped them with twine...did dry brush in black and then did the edges of each pan in black...
(Kirklands had various kitchen containers done in this style)
PaperCutPlace on Apr 30, 2024
Wow! Beautiful!
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Why couldn’t you use candlestick holders from dollar tree and dollar tree’s silver platters
How did you apply the lovely wood finish to the pie pans?
What’s the purpose of the thing?