DIY Faux Brick Wall in Laundry Room

Hey y’all! I have been procrastinating on this post for a while now because I’m still not 100% done with the laundry room. But I figured you all have been waiting long enough for this and it’s just time to post whether I’m done or not. Because, if I’m being honest, I really don’t know when this will ever get done. With the opening of the store, life has been crazy busy. So without further ado, here is the DIY faux brick wall in my laundry room. I think this may be my new favorite DIY. Although, I say that after every DIY, don’t I?
We purchased the brick panels from Home Depot. They come in 4×8 sheets. The first thing we did, was mark our studs on the wall. Then, we measured out where the stud would fall on the brick panel and marked the spot so we could make sure we were securing them into a stud. Originally, we were going to screw in the panels, but then we decided that using a finish nailer was sufficient enough.
You will also need to measure out any outlets, switch plates, or anything else that the panels need to go around. We measured where they would fall on the brick panel, drew them out, and then cut it out with a jig saw.
We started with the full panel butted up to the ceiling, then used the table saw to cut the pieces to fit the bottom. It is less noticeable with the seam at the bottom.
When laying out your panels, it’s important to pay attention to the brick pattern and make sure your bricks are lining up. You may be able to see the seams between your panels, but this didn’t bother us. We just applied the spackling a little thicker in those areas.
After we got all of the panels up, we started applying the spackling. We used a drywall knife to spread it. Basically, we just put a big glob of it on the wall and started randomly spreading it.
We did not apply a top coat after the spackling and it seems to be holding up just fine. If you do this in a high traffic area or any area that will be exposed to a lot of water, you may want to consider a top coat such as matte poly.
I absolutely love the character that the DIY faux brick wall adds. We did the same thing in our store and we get so many compliments on it. Unless you look closely, it looks like real brick. Next, I want to do this in my bedroom (but I should probably finish the laundry room first, right).
If you missed the DIY on the stencil painted floors, you can find that { HERE}.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or ask them in the comments below. I have a video of the DIY saved in my stories on Instagram, titled Laundry Reno, that may explain things a little easier.
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Elizabeth Fernandez on Oct 03, 2020
When I saw the faux brick I said, "Hmmm". I scrolled down to see a really great look developing. It's lovely and bright.
Emmawilliams1 on Jan 25, 2024
And Lowes and Home Depot do sell the paneling in light or white colors. Love the look of he utility room. I'm jealous...😘
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wonderful idea! I’ve been searching for a wall coverup idea where wall paper just won’t work! Thanks so much. Just love the mix of the brick and shiplap to. Awesome.
Hi Heather.
I love your faux brick wall.When I look for the faux panels I find faux brick wall paper; ot the panels. Did you have to special order the brick panels? Do you have the name or sku# as a reference? I appreciate your help.
Well done! Who would have thought a laundry room could be so attractive?