DIY Fireplace Mantel: Creating Usable Corner Space

(IC: blogger)
2 Materials
1 Day
Our master bedroom has always been a bit of a challenge to decorate. It’s a 20′ x 20′ square space with two windows on one side of the room. After our not-so-square furniture was placed in the room, we had some fairly awkward corners to deal with. There is one corner in particular that I considered dead space; one where none of our existing furniture would fit — so we installed a DIY corner fireplace mantel.
It started with a $100 corner mantel "kit" from our local ReStore. I would check there or a surplus building supply. It can be done in a single day, and we built this for just under $200.
BEFORE: We wanted something more visually interesting in this corner. None of our existing furniture fit here...and I didn't want to place another standalone piece here -- I think it would have felt awkward and bulky. After living here awhile, we knew it was just a "TV corner" -- so we worked from there.
STEP 1: We found a $100 corner fireplace mantel "kit" from the surplus building supply area of our local Habitat for Humanity ReStore. So this is how it stayed for quite some time, until inspiration struck.
Step 2: After awhile, we convinced ourselves it would look nice if we made shelves to look as though it were a built-in. The shelf sits directly on top of the mantel. We made holes in the back to run wires behind the structure.
Step 3: My husband made this frame which covered all the unfinished portions of the shelving entirely. And he did this without moving the TV -- he's so smart!
AFTER: I'm glad he recessed the shelving unit, because it allowed us to use the mantel more efficiently. The tall buffet lamps fit perfectly.
...and then, Buddy adopted this as his doghouse! We really don’t need an additional heat source in this room. This project was all about adding ambiance in the master suite. Someday we may convert it into a real working fireplace, but it serves its ultimate purpose for now!
Take a tour of the rest of our master suite by visiting the link below! Thanks for stopping by!
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Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
Published January 17th, 2017 12:55 PM
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You lucked out when you found the fireplace at the Restore. Found some best buys there. can I borrow your husband to do some projects?? Love your dog and his personal spot. It looks great. Good job.
Thats awesome...just one tiny bity to add, maybe? Paint the cords on the lamps white or place them behind the upper part of the fireplace mantel?
Very nice. I have similar corner in my bed room. I’m thinking of making a reading corner. Any ideas?