DIY Furniture Using Dollar Tree Dishes

This might sound crazy but in this post I'm gonna show you how to make some stands out of Dollar Tree bowls and plates.
Best all in one paint spray!
Go ahead and grab you a fat stack of Dollar Tree bowls.
The amount you get is going to dictate how tall or short your stand will be. For this exact project I grabbed 12 bowls and that's going to be for 2 stands.
Then grab 2 of these plates, the color does not matter so get what you can grab and let's go.
Stack the bowls on top of each other creating domes
But notice how 1 bowl will stay as a half because it will be the bottom.
This is what the bottom looks like
Hot glue the bowls together at the edges.
So first hot glue the two rims where the bowls meet to make the dome.
The glue the bottom parts where the bowl bottoms meet.
Grab you some spray paint (you can use whatever color fits your home) I am using black matte paint
Spray all the bowls
Then spray the two plates (for this I'm using white spray paint)
After the plates dry hot glue them on the top of the stacked plastic bowls.
And here she is
Doesn't it look amazing!!!
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Follow me on TikTok @obeymydope_ness
Frequently asked questions
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How tall will this be?
I love the geometric look, like something you find in an art studio. Awesome piece keep sharing with us.
Beautiful but wouldn't it be very light weight and easily tipped over?