DIY Granite Countertop Makeover

We were looking for a cost-effective way to make our old outdated countertops look new without spending a whole lot of money.
Using the Giani Granite Countertop Kit, we did just that!
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We used the Giani Granite countertop kit in chocolate brown and followed the steps outlined in the kit:
Xylene (or lacquer thinner) is recommended for use on Granite to help prep the surface.
Then wipe down with alcohol.
We taped around the sink. We considered taking it out, but it would have been more work than actually necessary and not made a huge impact on the outcome.
The only thing that would concern me is if we were to change out the sink we may need to touch up around that area. It also recommended that you tape around the backsplash, which we did not do because we are replacing that next.
Also, protect your cabinets to avoid paint spills. We did not do that either. We have painted enough times that we felt okay about not covering the cabinets in plastic. If you have not or are worried that you will make a mess COVER THEM!
Step 1 - Prime
Step 2 - Paint
You pour the paint onto paper plates and use the sponge included in the kit to paint your countertops.
Paint is applied in 2-foot sections using all three colors without waiting for each to dry.
To see how the process works you can check out the video below
The finished product of the countertops were better than we anticipated.
The full details and how-to are in the article reference below on Kenya Rae - The online homemaker magazine!
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Pam102982021 on Apr 17, 2024
We’re renovating a 120 yr old house, which has some beautiful woodwork, however, it’s been neglected & abused over the years. My biggest problem is over-painting they did which got on the trim of the wood. It’s been there for yrs!! I tried acetone but nothing. Tried scraping, nothing. Anything besides getting in these small areas with sandpaper, that you can suggest? Of course I’m looking for that “magic solution” I could use on it. Thank you!!
Kathleen Nash on Aug 28, 2024
I had the same many layers of paint in the fine details of the woodwork. I used a heat gun with great results. Just don't hold it over one spot for too long or you will singe the wood.
Dee on Apr 20, 2024
A renound stone guy told me this years ago. My granite still looks brand new. This is All I clean it with ~ Take a spray bottle, fill it about 1/8th full with rubbing alcohol, add a drop of Dawn dish washing soap, a few drops of scented oil (optional, but makes it smell so good), fill the rest of the way with water, shake together, and you’re good to go! It makes your granite (or any counter-top) shine and feel so smooth at a fraction of the price
Frequently asked questions
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Could this be used on an outdoor table if I put a sealer over it?
My old formica countertops are so dull! How can I restore them?
What about for a granite sink? Is there something I can do for that?