DIY Installation of Paver Base Panel for Paver Path - Part One

DIY Installation of Paver Base Panel for Paver Path - Part One ~ Take your garden to the next level... install a garden paer path so you can enjoy your garden anytime! - Paver Base Panel DIY Homeowner installation of Garden Paver Path Walkway – Landscaper Know How - Paver base panels make it easier for homeowners to acheive proffesional results when installing paver walks or patios. The paver base panel replaces six inches of compacted aggregate base material saving you great amounts of hard labor! Less excavation and not have to install TONS of gravel make it a welcome choice for homeowners to install themselves. Make sure to watch the video include as it takes you step by step through the base prep all the way to the paver base panel installation. Part two will show how to install the paver on the paver base panels. Thank you for checking the project out and by all means share with your friends! ENJOY!!
DIY Installation of Paver Base Panel for Paver Path - Paver Base Panel DIY Homeowner installation of Garden Paver Path Walkway – Landscaper Know How
DIY Installation of Paver Base Panel for Paver Path - Paver Base Panel DIY Homeowner installation of Garden Paver Path Walkway – Landscaper Know How
DIY Installation of Paver Base Panel for Paver Path - Paver Base Panel DIY Homeowner installation of Garden Paver Path Walkway – Landscaper Know How ~ We added a half circle of pavers next to the city sidewalk as welcoming circle to meet and greet neighbors when they stop by the garden.
DIY Installation of Paver Base Panel for Paver Path - Paver Base Panel DIY Homeowner installation of Garden Paver Path Walkway – Landscaper Know How ~ Always love to see where a project begins... this one is no exception!
DIY Installation of Paver Base Panel for Paver Path - Paver Base Panel DIY Homeowner installation of Garden Paver Path Walkway – Landscaper Know How ~ Using wood stakes and a 2x4 with an attached piece of wood to set the elevation. Once you know the difference needed add the chunk of wood to the bottom and use the level on top to level the board. We did a 2% grade drop... thats 1 1/2 over 7.5 feet of run.
DIY Installation of Paver Base Panel for Paver Path - Paver Base Panel DIY Homeowner installation of Garden Paver Path Walkway – Landscaper Know How ~ The hand tamper is sufficient to comact the sub-base and the sand for a garden paver path.
DIY Installation of Paver Base Panel for Paver Path - Paver Base Panel DIY Homeowner installation of Garden Paver Path Walkway – Landscaper Know How ~ A 4oz non-woven landscape fabric is used between the sub-base and the sand base. Make sure to leave the fabric long because it gets folded back in on itself to keep all of the sand in place.
DIY Installation of Paver Base Panel for Paver Path - Paver Base Panel DIY Homeowner installation of Garden Paver Path Walkway – Landscaper Know How - Different than a tridtional paver installation when installing a paver base panel system you compact the sand and level it befor placing the panels and pavers on it.
DIY Installation of Paver Base Panel for Paver Path - Paver Base Panel DIY Homeowner installation of Garden Paver Path Walkway – Landscaper Know How ~ Take the time to install all of the sand and get it leveled out befor starting to starting to put down the base panels.
DIY Installation of Paver Base Panel for Paver Path - Paver Base Panel DIY Homeowner installation of Garden Paver Path Walkway – Landscaper Know How - The Gator Base Panels are interlocking and can be installed in one of two directions.. think landscape of prtrait mode and use the one best fit for the project. We used the landscape mode to cove the large half circle area.
DIY Installation of Paver Base Panel for Paver Path - Paver Base Panel DIY Homeowner installation of Garden Paver Path Walkway – Landscaper Know How ~ It's important to fold the fabric over to incapsulate the sand to prevent migration of sand. Use Pavers to hold down the panels as you go.
DIY Installation of Paver Base Panel for Paver Path - Paver Base Panel DIY Homeowner installation of Garden Paver Path Walkway – Landscaper Know How ~ The the sand all in place you can get all of the base panels installed. The great part of using base panels is you don't have to install all of the pavers immediately afte installing the panels. This gives you great flexibility in working on the project.
DIY Installation of Paver Base Panel for Paver Path - Paver Base Panel DIY Homeowner installation of Garden Paver Path Walkway – Landscaper Know How ~ Time to install the pavers... make sure you look for Part Two where we cover how to install pavers on a paver base panel.
DIY Installation of Paver Base Panel for Paver Path - Paver Base Panel DIY Homeowner installation of Garden Paver Path Walkway – Landscaper Know How ~ Garden Paver Path Complete! make sure you look for Part Two where we cover how to install pavers on a paver base panel.
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Suggested materials:
- Screened Pit Run Sand (Landscape Supply Store)
- Washed Coarse Sand (Landscape Supply Store)
- $oz Non-Woven GeoTextile Landscape Fabric (Landscape Supply Store)
- Alliance Gator Base (Landscape Supply Store)
- Snap Edging Paver Edge Restraint (Landscape Supply Store)
- Alliance Gator Screws (Landscape Supply Store)
- Alliance Gator Sand G2 (Landscape Supply Store)
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