DIY Pantry Can Organizer

Look, I get it. We have kids too. Typically things are in complete disarray, but isn't it kind of nice to be able to have some areas of your home that are semi-organized?
Take your pantry or food storage for example. There's something about opening up a pantry that is staring back at you organized and you're like ... Oh. Oh yes. Praise him high and low. Don't feel bad, we all gotta start somewhere! Like here:
Eek! Okay, don't judge me. I love food. But I couldn't stand the thought of this any more. It just hurt my soul.
We decided to try to makeover this entire pantry for under $100, which sounds like a lot of money, but we wanted to rip out those wire shelves, put in wood shelves, and do some skinnylap in the back. (That's like shiplap, but skinny, FIY. Technically it's more like schmediumlap truth be told.)
What I didn't want to do with these beautiful shelves was just throw food back in here and not have it organized so we decided to build some pantry can storage organizers!
It was so easy! All we did was measure how wide we needed them and stacked some 2x4s on top of each other.
We attached them with wood glue and stained them to match the shelves and voila! Way cheaper than I could find any!!
To see the full pantry reveal, you can click this link right here to go see it on my blog!
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Have you thought about making a new pantry door? Perhaps using chicken wire inset so you can actually see the pantry and admire the beauty (not just when the door is open)?
Love it ! But what is on the wall ??