DIY Pottery Barn Inspired Sandbox

(IC: blogger)
I'm a huge fan of Pottery Barn, but not of the prices. The way I look at things is how can I make something similar, but save the money. I wanted a canopy covered sandbox for the kiddos and didn't want to splurge so I decided to make my own Pottery Barn look alike!
Start by making the base with (4) 2x10 green treated lumber cut down to 6 feet to make a box. Use wood screws to screw the corners together. Take (4) 1x2's, also green treated to make the posts and secure them to each corner. The height of our canopy is 6 feet to leave room for the parents to play!
Now to make the seats, use 2x6 green treated lumber with notches on the corners to fit around the posts and screw them straight into the base.
Building the frame for the canopy, you will need (4) 2 x 4's for the outside frame and (3) 2 x 4's to go across to hold the frame together and support the fabric. The frame screws onto the posts to create the top of the canopy. 1x2's were used diagonally from the posts to the canopy for extra support.
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Published March 28th, 2016 12:27 AM
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Lainey Howell on Mar 30, 2016
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