DIY Wood Safe Floor Cleaner

Hometalk Recommends!
You will need a gallon container (like an old milk jug), white vinegar, castile soap and lemon or citrus essential oils.
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Lee on Oct 19, 2020
FYI Bronner castile soap company says to never mix vinegar with soap: “vinegar is an acid and the Castile soap is a base. They will directly react with each other and cancel each other out. So, instead of getting the best of both (the scum cutting ability of the vinegar and the dirt transporting ability of the soap), you’ll be getting the worst of something entirely new. The vinegar “unsaponifies” the soap, by which I mean that the vinegar takes the soap and reduces it back out to its original oils. So you end up with an oily, curdled, whitish mess”
Bec109753099 on Oct 27, 2024
I just mix the vinegar with Dawn dish soap (just a little…enough to get the grime off the floors…with a blind diabetic dog I have to). I’ve been doing this for years with no harm to the wood and no sticky film which is what occurs when you mix vinegar with Castile soap together due to it making the white, curdled mess!
Frequently asked questions
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How much Castile soap and vinegar do you use? How many drops of essential oil do you use?
I thought adding castle soap with vinegar makes it slimier is that true
Could you post the exact measurements , please ?