Dollar Store Flamingo Planters

You won’t believe how cute and easy these summer planters are!
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For this project, you will need several plastic flamingos. I used two different sizes but you can use whatever sized ones fit your space.
To start, you want to use a pen or marker to draw an oval where your hole for the plants will go.
Next, you want to cut around the hole with a utility or Xacto knife. Be careful when cutting out the hole as the plastic can be quite hard to cut.
Once your hole is cut out, you can dispose of the piece you removed.
Since my first flamingo was large, I decided to fill the ends with some brown paper. I didn’t want to have to fill the entire flamingo with dirt so this filled up the ends for me.
Now comes the fun part. Fill up your flamingo with dirt.
Add whatever plants look best in your yard. Don’t forget to break up the roots before putting your plants in the flamingo.
I added one green Silver Star to start and then added a flower for a pop of color.
With the plants inserted, I filled in the space around them with more dirt so they were nice and tight.
For my smaller flamingo, I didn’t add any filler because it was quite small. I simply filled it with dirt.
Then, added the other flower and some more dirt to hold it in place.
Finally, attach the legs and they are ready to go into the ground.
Here are my DIY flamingo planters.
I think they're super cute. They're going to be perfect for Summer.
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P on Jul 03, 2023
Sadly, our New Orleans area sun is so hot we'd have to water 6 times a day to keep planters this small from drying out! I have found anything smaller than 10" in diameter - size of a standard hanging basket - is too small for me to keep plants alive in with our heat! And with our rain, I have to take store-bought hanging baskets apart & dispose of the inner part that holds water in & put in terracotta pottery chunks to ensure drainage!
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