Easy Burlap Wreath In Less Than 30 Minutes

Michele Westlake Sigler
(IC: vlogger)
3 Materials
30 Minutes
Burlap wreaths don’t have to be difficult. Try this easy burlap wreath method and become a pro in 30 minutes. You will want to make one for every season and will be perfect for your home or as a gift.
You will need 4 rolls of burlap, a wire wreath frame and wired ribbon of your choice.
You will begin to feed the burlap through the 1st and 2nd space. Around the 2nd ring.
It should look like this. Each edge is pulled around the 2nd wire on the wreath form.
Continue to pull the burlap on either side of the 2nd wire and scrunch together tightly.
The ruffles will hold tight to the ring once you pull and scrunch the burlap firmly.
Here is what the back of the wreath should look like.
Continue this method around the wreath form until full.
Now to the inside. Repeat the same method but this time you will feed the burlap through the 2nd and 3rd space of the wreath form. You may have to push the previous ruffle (in the 2nd space) over a bit to pull the burlap through the same space.
Add a bow and you are ready to go. You’ve made a gorgeous burlap wreath. Enjoy!
We want to help you DIY, so some of the materials in this post are linked to sellers. Just so you know, Hometalk may collect a small share of sales from the links on this page.
Enjoyed the project?
Suggested materials:
- Burlap rolls (Hobby Lobby or Amazon)
- Wire wreath form (Dollar Store or Amazon)
- Wired ribbon (Hobby Lobby or Amazon)
Published September 27th, 2017 6:53 PM
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2 of 58 comments
Cindy on Sep 15, 2022
Have made this type wreath many times...personally believe ...this makes the most beautiful and full...no wires...chenille stems...or zip ties...you can actually thread both burlap streams on at one time...saves time and no gaps if both pulled at same tension....much more fun than poly...etc.....
Terry Griffin on Aug 10, 2024
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
I love this. I have a fall/winter feeder fair coming up for my business, but haven’t made this type of wreath before. How does the the burlap stay in the ring, should it be secured with a few wires? I need to sell these as an extra to the creations I typically make. I really need to make sure they don’t come apart for my customer. Do tell me please how this stays secure. Thank you
JuJu’s Bloomers
How do you keep the burlap together
How do u make the bows?