Easy Cheap Fix/look for Old Air Duct Vent

We have a air vent in the floor right by the door going to the garage. It is 19 yrs old And looking rusty and gross. Now I know you can buy a new one, but why spend more money than you need to right?
The biggest issue with this vent is placement. It gathers all the dirt, water, etc... as we have snow/sun seasons. It's the only air vent on our hardwood floors.
My solution and cheap... spray paint.
It turned out perfect. I wonder why I waited so long to fix it...
The before picture.
Best metallic paint!
Took it to the laundry room tub...
Washed it and scrubbed with a scrub pad
After cleaning...
Did a light sanding on it with a light sanding block.
Picked the color of spray paint out of ones I had here at home from other projects...
One layer done...
Let it dry overnight in basement... too cold here in Minnesota to do in the garage.
Finished product put in place. Love the look and color. More subtle than the white. The ones I see at hardware stores come in white, cream and wood. Would not be able to get this color.
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Cav81756733 on May 02, 2023
After light sanding the top surface, I put mine in the dishwasher to wash them all at once. Worked great!
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What about the opening and closing portion of the vent? My concern would be that the spray paint would prevent it from working - either painting it open or shut, depending upon how you had it set when painting.
judy Ellison....do you have a picture of your painted light and outllet covers? Love this idea.
How many coats of paint did you spray?