Easy DIY Garage Shelving!

The Inspired Workshop
(IC: blogger)
3 Hours
When trying to clean out my garage a while back, I needed a place to store not only my wood for future projects but also all my tools, stain, paints, etc. This shelf modified from Ana White's plans was the perfect solution!!
It is 8 ft. long and almost 8 ft. tall!! It has PLENTY of room for a little of everything!! The best thing about this shelf is the limited number of cuts...since I went 8ft. long...I used 2x4s straight off the shelf and to make it slightly shorter than 8 ft. (since my ceilings are only 8 ft high in the garage...I purchased 2x4x92 5/8" studs...no cutting!! Woohoo!!
After making three of these 'ladders' you stand them up and lay your 8 ft. long boards on top and screw them down!! Yep, that simple!!
A few hours worth of work... and I gained floor to ceiling storage!! Woot Woot!!
From this mess...
To this organization!!
Yep...I'll take that any day over the catastrophe that was in my garage!! Lol!! It is so nice having it now...not that I am entirely organized because of it...but it does help tremendously!!! For a more detailed post on how to build this and material list visit my blog below!! Thank you so much for reading!!
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Published June 18th, 2015 9:24 AM
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2 of 34 comments
Ann Cassler on Jan 19, 2021
Great job! Just a caution about tipping--make sure heavier things are stored on the bottom and see if you can find a way to secure it to the wall. Love the work and I can almost smell the aroma of new cut lumber.
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How many total 2x4's did you purchase to do the shelving? I'm wondering so I can copy this project. I like it the most out of all the ones I've searched online. great work!