Easy DIY Solar Pool Heater

Dan Berg
(IC: vlogger)
1 Hour
How to make this easy DIY solar Pool Heater
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This short How-to video details how easy it is to make Solar pool heaters that will warm almost any swimming pool.
We started with some PVC pipe, 90 degree female to female PVC angles, wire ties, 6 mill black plastic and foam pipe insulation.
Simply glue four lengths of pvc pipe together with a 90 degree angle at each corner
Then wrap the black plastic around the PVC square
We used some duct tape to hold the plastic in place. The wrapped foam pipe insulation around each section of PVC. This insulation adds additional flotation and helps secure the plastic in place.
We used a soldering iron to burn a few holes through the plastic and then wrapped wire ties around the foam to secure everything in place.
For small pools four or five floating solar panels work great. For larger pools you will need additional units. I just leave them in the pool when the pool is not in use and then pull the lightweight floating solar panels out the stack them when we go for a swim. The kids really appreciate the extra warmth especially early and late in the season.
If you want to build your own I would recommend watching the short how-to video posted above. It details every step of the process
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Published March 9th, 2017 4:12 PM
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2 of 28 comments
Lois Buchanan on Jul 03, 2022
Very clever! Easy to put a rope on it so it stays at an end and just pull it out! Very clever!
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Where did you get the black plastic tarp? Our pool is 20x40. I would like to make longer panels. Is that possible?
What a great idea! Is that just black plastic garbage bags? Not sure where to get black plastic that will hold up? Solar rings are stupid expensive and these look like they would do the trick. We have a solar heated pool but in central Florida that still leaves us in some pretty cool water for 3-4 months. Hoping solar rings would give us another 6 weeks or two months??
I am wondering if using more of the black noodles instead of the PVC pipe would work for the frame? I guess then you'd need to figure out how to secure the plastic onto or into the frame. Very unique idea! Thank you!