The Easiest Way to Clean a Burnt Pot or Pan - With Lemons!

I hate doing the I really hate it. But there's one thing that makes doing the dishes truly unbearable and that's when food gets burnt to the bottom of a pan.
Instead of fighting and scraping the pan til it's spotless, here's my favorite method to clean a burnt pot or pan. All it takes is a few cut-up lemons and water.
The acid in the lemon and the boiling water get off all the really tough gunk, plus the lemons get rid of any burnt smell and replace it with a sweet citrus scent.
Here's a pot that has been burnt to heck. You don't even want to know what I was trying to cook!
Let's just say that I needed a super-powered cleaner, and a fresh scent would definitely help.
Step 1: Chop Up Two Lemons
I cut my lemons into eights, but you can cut them into quarters or slices, as long as you end up with enough pieces to cover the bottom of the pan.
Step 2: Add Water
I added enough water to cover the whole burnt bottom of the pan. It's no use trying to cover the lemons - they float! As long as the burnt area is covered, the lemons will do their job.
Step 3: Bring to a Boil
I brought the water to a rolling boil. You can even see the burnt specks coming off the bottom of the pot as the lemons swam around.
Step 4: Let Water Cool & Dump It Out
After I dumped out the lemons and dirty water, I was left with a thin brown layer on the bottom of the pot. All I had to do was scrub it lightly with a brush, and all the leftover grime fell away.
Step 5: Rinse out Your Pot
A few rinses later, my crud-caked pot was as good as new! Now, wasn't that easier than scrubbing with steel wool til your fingers were raw?
How to clean a burnt pot with lemons
It's hard to believe, but that really is the same pot! This is one magic trick I will definitely be doing again.
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Mildred Sanchez on Nov 29, 2023
Yes I did it today. Was cooking on my Pressure cooker and left it too long and goat meat got burned. Took it out and put water and lemon juice about half a cup and put it to boil for about ten minutes. All the burnt came up and it was easy to clean pot. Thank you.
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Pan cleaned after burnt. Still discolored. Will this make the pot shine again? How do you get the sides to shine?
Can you use limes as a replacement for lemons?
what about using it on other surfaces of pots and pans?