Eco Wood Polish (Just 2 Ingredients!)

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Barbara Walsh on Mar 19, 2021
Not so at dollar stores
Greg Scholl on Feb 17, 2022
DON'T put ANY veggie, Olive, Coconut, Mineral oil, (lemon oil is just mineral oil with fragrance), on finished furniture!! These are NON drying oils, some do go rancid, can actually attract insects, and contribute to mold growth, and they will definitely build up into a smeary mess over time. Refined Coconut oil or Mineral oil can be used on a cutting board or wooden utensils (WITHOUT a finish), but there are better products like my favorite, Beekeepers Friend, Boos Block oil, or Howards Cutting Board Oil, which is Beeswax and mineral Oil mix, Mahoney's Pure Walnut oil, etc....Also Vinegar is ACETIC ACID, and can breakdown a finish, and combined with an oil will set you up for a maintenance headache, even leading to shortening the life of your finish, and proper refinishing is expensive. Used Motor oil would look fantastic on wood, BUT that does NOT mean it's a correct thing to do! Paste wax is a correct treatment for finished wood,(it's vailable in colors), or an oil based furniture polish with NO silicones like Guardsman or Weimans, that's designed for furniture. Also Pledge contains Silicone!..One of the worst things to saturate your furniture with!
When Professionals talk about an "Oil" finish, we're talking about Polymerized, drying oils, like Boiled Linseed,(NOT Raw) Tung Oils, Polymerized Hemp and other plant based but Polymerized Oils, Danish Oil, they are an actual hardening, Oil finish....and are not typically a maintenance item, unless applied YEARLY, or Semi YEARLY..
I am a Woodworker and furniture restorer of 35+ years, and know a thing or three about this topic! ...And I see SO many misinformed people recommending smearing all manner of oil over your furniture. NO NO NO. There are HUNDREDS of years of science, materials, and techniques that are suitable and correct for maintaining your finished furniture ( and many different finishes to maintain depending on age, origination, and construction.. but 95% of factory produced furniture in the last 120 years is finished with Lacquer)
Frequently asked questions
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Can you use melted (regular, non fractionated) ) coconut oil?
Does coconut oil smell like coconut? This is important because the smell of coconut makes me gag. Thanks
What can I use if I have no lemon or coconut