Faux Arched Christmas Fireplace

When I moved to Florida I didn’t have a fireplace to hang my children’s stockings. These stockings are very special to me since my cousin made them for me about 45 years ago. So I decided to make a faux fireplace that was easy to set up and take apart to store
I started with a 48” x 48” x 1/4” piece of plywood. I made a rough template out of wrapping paper so I could decide the size of the arched opening.
I used 1 x 4’s 45” high to trim sides
1x 6”s 49 1/2” long that frames the top. That piece extends 3/4” on either side so I could but up the side pieces up to it. The 1 x 6 sits on top the trim pieces on the sides. The 1 x 6” piece actually goes about 2” above the plywood because I wanted to make the fireplace a little higher.
Used the wrapping paper template to draw my arch on a 3/4” piece of plywood
I wanted the arch to be the same width as a 1 x 4” so I used a small piece of 1 x 4” to mark the top edge of the arch.
Cut the arch out with jig saw
Finished arch was later sanded
Marked the opening with the arch top and straight sides and cut out
I attached the top, sides and arch trim pieces to the 48 x 48” plywood. Please note that the side trim pieces extend 3/4” pass the plywood so later the fireplace side pieces would but into it. When I cut out the arch I was able to save the corners to use as embellishment with my appliqués. Also added middle piece between the corner embellishments
1 x 6” piece as baseboard
Added sides that are 1 x 10” 48” high with corner brackets
Sides attached
Sides attached 1 x 6” top trim piece attached to side board of fireplace to match height of front of fireplace. Added corner brackets to later attach mantle. Added a strip of wood to keep sides at a 90% angle.
Piece of laminate painted black for inside of fireplace It sits on top of base board
Added a strip of black to cover baseboard.
Better view of side pieces attached.
View of the 54” x 12” mantle attached with angle brackets
Added trim to mantle and attached.
Notched bottom of fireplace sides to allow for base.
54” x 22” Hearth was made from 1/2” plywood painted black to look like slate. Wood logs and fairy lights complete the look.
Because I have attached the mantle to the sides with angle brackets I just can unscrew to remove mantle
Just take the screws out that attach the front to the sides so all the pieces can store flat.
Daytime view.
DIY Christmas Decorations
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Mcgypsy9 on Apr 20, 2022
I made my faux fireplace many many years ago but it’s chopped liver compared to yours! Just gorgeous and I will definitely be making a new one. My children are all grown and have families of their own now but I still put my faux FP out with stockings. About 2-3 years ago I couldn’t carry it upstairs to put it away any longer so I’ve had it where it usually sits and I decorate it throughout the year with different things. I also have a real fireplace in the same room, (its a big room) but wasn’t able to hang stockings on the real one because it’s all tile. Unfortunately, mine doesn’t come apart and it’s really very heavy, so that’s why I’ll make another one. Yours looks easy and again, it is just gorgeous!
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Great idea! Looks very nice👍🏼
Hello I would love to have one just like this would you be interested in selling this piece?
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