Faux Brick Backsplash

DIY Faux Brick backsplash from faux brick panels
Best faux brick backsplash!
We used a 47.75-in x 7.98-ft Embossed Red Brick Hardboard Wall Panel from Lowe's. They are $29.98 and one is enough for a average kitchen.
My husband measured and made cut outs for the outlets, using a jigsaw.
We used construction adhesive to apply to the panel. Apply the construction adhesive liberally to ensure it is secure. Use finishing nails to secure the ends.
Put your cut panel into place.
These panels came "Brick Color" I wanted the base to be white so I picked up a quart of white paint.
This is after the first coat of white, we used a basic white.
I added some black paint into random spots and smeared with my rag to add in touches of darker brick.
Next I applied dark wax to the entire panel to give the effects of "aged" brick. You can go lighter and heavier in some spaces.
Next I needed to light the grout. I used some white chalk paint I had on hand.
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Mol1272087 on Jul 23, 2024
Absolutely love this project!
now I know what I should do.
Thank you for sharing ♥️
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
How did you finish a raw edge?
Great look! If you could go back, would you have painted the brick BEFORE attaching it?
How hard is it to clean? I would be concerned about the greasy area around the stove. If using products to cut the grease would eventually remove the paint.