Faux Stained Glass (with Mandala Design)

Mark Montano
(IC: blogger)
2 Materials
Use dollar store frames and coloring book pages to make beautiful stained glass Mandalas for your home
I used Americana Crystal Gloss Enamels which are perfect for a project like this. They are permanent and top rack dishwasher safe when used on glassware, too.
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Watch how easy they are to make here!
Use your favorite coloring book pages for the perfect guide.
Enjoyed the project?
Suggested materials:
- Americana Crystal Gloss Enamels (Createforless.com)
- Adult Coloring Book Pages (Amazon.com)

Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
Published October 31st, 2016 9:44 AM
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2 of 39 comments
Sadiemilner2014 on Jul 01, 2019
Love, Love, Love this!! Absolutely beautiful and I cant wait to try it.
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
Where can I buy the crystal gloss enamel paint? All the stores i looked at, including Michaels and hobby lobby, only have regular gloss enamel.
I'm curious why you didn't use a transparent glass paint, like Decoart, or Gallery Glass or Pebeo?
Can you please tell us how to paint glass sidelights on either side of the entry door? The door top half is glass and sidelights equal to that. Great thanks.