Floating Waterfall Coffee Table

Wesley inglis
(IC: vlogger)
2 Materials
2 Days
I was inspired to make this after seeing a similar table on Pinterest, it features beautifully figured camphor laurel mitred at the corner with an acrylic base.
square off your slab on one end with a circular saw, make sure to use a straight edge and not to cut too deep in one pass
square off your slab on one end with a circular saw, make sure to use a straight edge and not to cut too deep in one pass
Square off your slabs on one end with a circular saw at 45 degrees, make sure to use a straight edge and not to cut too deep in one pass
Then remove any bark with a chisel
If you have any cracks make sure to strengthen them with dovetail bowties, as seen in the picture then cut them out on the bandsaw or with a jigsaw
clean up with a chisel
Mark out the bowtie directly on the crack and make a mortise about 10 mm deep with a router or chisel
Now fit and glue the bowtie
Make level with the rest of the slab
Use a biscuit joiner at 45 degrees to strengthen your mitre joint
Cut and smooth acrylic with sandpaper
Router a groove the same thickness as your acrylic on the underside of your slabs
Roughen up area where glue is to be applied on the acrylic sheet and use epoxy adhesive to glue in. Also use wood glue to glue and clamp mitre joint
Sand and apply finish
Now you're done!
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Watch video for more clarity.
Enjoyed the project?
Suggested materials:
- Wood (Timber expo, hardwood dealer)
- Acrylic (online)
Published December 6th, 2016 9:34 AM
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Is this your own design or did you use a pattern. You are a rocket scientist of woodworkers. It is beautiful.
Graet work! What is that little pice on top?