French Country Toile Hutch!

Stephanie Coon/Rehab to Fab
(IC: blogger)
I purchased this chocolate looking beast of a hutch about a year ago. It sat in my garage as I tried to figure out how to beautify it.
It's a very BIG piece so I knew it needed a paint color to soften it up & bring out the details.
The brown glossy finish was HORRIBLE!
I love Annie Sloan's color 'French Linen' but LOVE General Finishes milk paint even more. So I mixed their Millstone, Driftwood & Linen to get this gorgeous color.
Shadowed & highlighted with GF's Driftwood, Millstone, Linen,Antique White & Snow White. Recycled some hardware I had laying around and did the same thing to them to match.
I used 3M self adhesive spray to apply the French toile fabric to the back board.
It's no longer a beast...
The details just pop now!
Look at those sexy legs!
Perfect marriage of paint & fabric.
Love this fabric!
Who wouldn't want to display their beauties in this?!
No longer a beast but a Beauty now! Done by Rehab to Fab
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Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
Published September 16th, 2015 7:03 PM
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Where did you get that gorgeous fabric? The name of the fabric?
I looooooove this look, truly gorgeous❣️ Is there any chance you can share with this beginner how you achieved the accenting color with the five paints. Were they mixed together like the base color or was this done in a layering fashion? If developed by mixing together do you have ratios for this as well?
Thank you ,
Marianna K.
What paint (colors) did you use *Just for the SHADOW part of the applique & what paint (colors) did you use *Just for the HIGHLIGHTS part of the applique please? Thank you!