From Pool to Patio

The pool was 20 years old and needed $25,000 in work. All the kinds had flown the coop...time for something new! Plus we live in the snow belt and would prefer getting more than 2.5 months use out of the area. So if you LOVE pools, scroll by so you don't cry!
Having fun with the jackhammer! I got to play too!
Now to move it all into the hole in the ground!
8 loads of fill dirt...leveled by hand! Two adults and two shovels and some GREAT exercise!
Getting there!
And this was in July!
8 Loads leveled
Now time for topsoil! More shoveling and raking!
Pavers in!
Starting to take shape!
Looking good!
Time for some landscaping!
Our party area that can be used more than two and half months a year!
While you're here, check out these electric patio heaters for cool summer nights.
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Nvtbd on Jun 25, 2019
In most communities leaving the shell in the ground isn’t allowed, it still holds water, and the homes property records still reflect that the home has a pool. We learned this when considering the purchase of a home with a ruined pool. Might want to check your local ordinance.
Catherine Barlow Magistrale on Jul 01, 2019
Good point, however, if you read he did not leave the shell in tact.
he used a jackhammer to break it up and left the prices in the hole to help fill it :)
Lindsey Martin on Mar 09, 2021
I love that you filled in the swimming pool!!! Pools are a waste of time and money. Don’t get me wrong, if you can afford them they can be awesome. But I think that your backyard looks amazing now.
Frequently asked questions
Have a question about this project?
why get rid of pool I thought they would do whole yard,must not have grands cause a 4 ft better than none
Are you willing to share what it cost you to complete this project? Especially the demolition and filling in. We have a pool we'd like to get rid of, but we suspect it might cost as much to demo it as it would to fix it! We would probably just do grass, not a patio, so that might save some costs.
How much did you spend on chemicals every month and how much did it cost you to fill it?