Galapagos Blue Kitchen

Rescued Furnishings
(IC: professional)
4 Materials
We are adding Galapgos Blue everywhere we can! It is our signature color that we invented and WON a contest in 2015 hosted by General Finishes! So when a client wants to use it in their home our heart skips a beat! It is amazing at what a can do!
But we did an entire kitchen in it and look how amazing it seriously looks!How cool, right?
A side by side can never be beat!
We are even painting OUR kitchen this color RIGHT NOW! The pic above are the lowers of our kitchen. I am dying for an entire reveal but check out the before!
Disaster zone right?
In yet a third kitchen, we did an island in galapagos blue! Can you tell 2016 will be bold?!
Such a big difference! Check out the before and after!
So how do we pull these amazing projects off?
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Published January 14th, 2016 6:37 PM
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2 of 370 comments
Judy Steffen on Oct 03, 2024
It looks like teal green rather than blue.
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Where can I get Galapagos Blue paint? Is it available to buy?